Four Transformations Day 1

Well, really I’ve been experimenting for years, but I have recently (near) completed a course and I’m ready to engage in the four transformations, radically! (Perhaps 😛 )

Step 1: Determination

My determination is Colour 4: Touch, Tone 6: Touch. Right facing – nervous

Step 2: Environment

My enviornment is colour 3: Kitchens, Tone 2: Taste. Left facing, wet, active environment

Step 3: Perspective

My perspective is colour 5: Probability. Tone 3, action. Left facing – conditioner. Distraction, possibility

Step 4: Motivation

My motivation is colour 4: Need. Tone 1: Security. Left facing – strategic. Transference: fear.

day 1 experience

Okay, so today to be honest I didn’t think or really “plan” that much around it.

I kinda got a bit of a head spin because I used to be eating whilst watching netflix, thinking that was a “stimulation”. However, just this morning I started wondering if it was meant to be a stimulating that was in some way connected to the world around me – like there was a shared element. Like watching a live play where the wind passed by all of you, or eating with others and the waiter comes to all of you at the same time. To be in “touch” with the world around you to help you digest. When i thought like that – watching Netflix was kinda not really ticking that box.

Anyway, what I did instead didn’t really tick the box either but maybe it got closer. I spoke on the phone to a friend whilst eating. It was on the phone and not video, that was one thing. But also I was kinda engrossed in the conversation and finished my meal slowly and I’m still not hungry hours after, i feel pretty okay. I’ve been doing some work but feeling probably… 7/10? 6/10?

Next time I was thinking to eat whilst doing work.

My enviornment is… kinda tasteful. I mean, it is but It needs a clean ahah.

My perspective – probability. Well, it included. I called my friend reached out just because and it turned out to be the perfect time. It was a bit like “probably it’s good time to talk”

lets see how it goes