58.5: The Joyous

Gate 58:Joyous
Line 5: Defense

Gate of Vitality 
The Vitality to Challenge


Stimulation is the key to joy. The zest for life and the energy for a ‘better-life’. Criticism is a natural by-product of this improvement energy. 

Left Angle Cross of Demands 2
Godhead – Vishnu

Line 5 – Defense

An unrealistic pace that begs misfortune.

Exaltation: The natural and practical instinct to protect oneself regardless of temptations. The fuel for self-defense regardless of stimulations.

Detriment: The assumption that the best defense is a good offense, that might allow strength of character to enjoy questionable stimulus without succumbing to it. The energy for aliveness which forsakes self-defense and will embrace questionable stimulations.

Ra’s Line Companion

58.5 Defense

The fifth line is always being projected on. Due to that, it represents how society, how a culture as a 
whole will look at this particular hexagram. It is interesting enough to see that this line is called Defense. 
People are always projecting onto the 58.5 that they have the energy to provide a stimulation, that they 
have the energy that can bring about the experimentation. Because of that, they are approached a lot. 

Moon exalted. The natural and practical instinct to protect oneself, regardless of temptations. Built into 
the genetic material of this fifth line (remember that fifth lines are lines of universalization) is the 
recognition that only those experiments that can be universalized are worthy of one's energy. Otherwise, 
they are not. 

In the white book: The fuel for self-defense, regardless of stimulations. Self-defense is really about 
fending people off who are trying to tap into that energy. 

Sun in detriment. The assumption that the best defense is a good offense that might allow strength of 
character to enjoy questionable stimulus without succumbing to it. Or, in terms of the white book: The 
energy for aliveness which forsakes self-defense and will embrace questionable stimulations. There is 
always this risk for 58's that something is so interesting as a stimulation (this is the resonance to 
Perversion) that they will give up their self-defense and try it. That never means that the results of that 
will be bad. It does not. It is not about that. It simply is a mechanism. After all, it is a fifth line. Whether it 
is working this way or that way, both ways have value because everything that can be experimented with 
is of value in the end to all of us. That is why we have a scientific community that spreads across the 
world and that has millions and millions of people involved in all different kinds of experimentation. 
Ultimately, the totality benefits from the availability of all of that knowledge and all of that affirmation of 
what kind of patterns work or not. 

The thing to recognize about the 58.5 is that it will fend people off and say, "No." There is all this 
projection on them saying, "They are the ones that can give you the juice you need." So they learn very 
early. Remember what it is to be a 58.5 child and have projected on you that you are the one that has the 
energy to get things fixed and corrected, experimented with. You can get into all kinds of stuff that is not 
for you. 

The terms 'exalted' and 'detriment' do not mean anything. They just say that there are two sides. The plan 
is logical. Our genetic code is logical. The binary process of evolution is logical, the logic that generates 
patterns which are all by their very nature hierarchical. This is one of the things to understand about what 
the logical collective process is for us. That is what establishes the hierarchy in life. It literally establishes 
how the hierarchy works in the sense that, when you see that the identity comes out of the Alpha, you also 
have to realize that that is a binary which consists of a leader and a follower. That binary exists in 
everything, whether it is the parent and the child, or the employer and the employee. Wherever you are 
looking, we have hierarchical structures that are built into your pattern process. It is inherent in that. 

2024, July 8

Interestingly… This came up for me today. In therapy, I was discussing how I was so sincere, excited to meet and greet with people in my past, that even though part of me was saying: “Hmm, something’s not right” [questionable stimulus], I did it anyway. Invariably I suppose I could say I was successful – I am still alive after all alhamdullialh. However… OweEEE… i still have some pains to process from the past around that.

And I suppose, that is the collective energy. The bigger story – the logical collective – adding to the scientific knowledge, the Akasha, stories, learnings, wisdoms. You CAN find stimulus that is supportive for you and enjoyable. It might take a little bit longer, you might need to WAIT… but, its there, and I am looking forward to it.