Deconditioning can be incredibly anxiety provoking.
Anxiety is the “warning system”, or alarm-system of the body to alert us of a threat
However we now know, that not all anxieties are about literal threats.
We now know that we can have anxiety DESPITE Safety
We can feel anxiety even when our existence is not currently threatened.
But the anxiety is real, its biological, we can feel it.
How does that make you feel?
Perhaps some people might have the ability to feel relaxed about it in the first moment of reading the word “relax”
On the other side of the spectrum, some people might feel MORE ANXIOUS when they get told to “relax”, perhaps if they have wounding of not being seen, or validated, or understood by others. Perhaps due to their sense of their own control being taken away “I’ll do what I want!!”
Often, anxiety can be covering up other, true feelings, that weren’t allowed to be expressed in the past.
Anxiety may spike when we are not allowed, or we don’t allow ourselves, for the present to be different than the past.
Are you trying the experiment out, for yourself?
Is your life feeling at times, tense, anxious, worried?
The de conditioning journey CAN spike anxiety and worries.
Be gentle with yourself
Whatever you need to help yourself relax that feels correct for you – you can try it.
Even as simple as targeted body relaxation can be supportive for the deconditioning journey.
“I am relaxing my body deeper into my true essence”
Or in the words of bashar: “I am who I am, and that is enough”
Do you deal with anxiety in the de conditioning journey? Do you have any comments of what helped you, or thoughts you feel like sharing?
“Strategy and Authority” love yourself.